Solange Guberman strikes me as s person quite willing to Learn from experience as well as being quite open to other people\'s views . She can become passionate about certain issues but appears to control her exhuberance well Solange is a caring generous and hardworking person who I got to know while participating in a committee to select Outstanding Canadians of Arabic origin . During these sessions she participated fully and demonstrated her interest in selecting worthy candidates all of whom were qualified . She never prevented a consensus from forming for the final candidates chosen and contributed to the committees devidiins
Solange is extremely concerned trying to please everyone, and this is often quite difficult. She could be encouraged to enjoy her efforts more. Solange is an extremely professional, highly educated and competent individual with a solid professional experience in government affairs and relations. She is well known and highly respected by the Ottawa community including the government, diplomatic and arts communities. She is a pleasant, warm and extremely engaging person, who is fluent in many languages, including English, French and Italian. She is a very gracious person with very well developed skills of organising and hosting events. She believes in improving the human condition and is a generous promoter of humanitarian causes and efforts. I have every confidence that she would greatly contribute to the mandate of any office, and it would be a privilege to serve with her.
Elle est enthousiaste et fébrile...mais ce ne sont des qualités. Je connais Solange depuis plusieurs années. Elle est une femme intelligente, sensible et responsable. Animée d'une grande générosité elle s'implique dans sa communauté sociale et culturelle. Collectionneur d'art, sa sensibilité artistique la fait s'impliquer non seulement dans les arts visuels mais aussi dans les arts de la scène. Puisque c'est une femme responsable elle sait mener à terme les dossiers dans lesquels elle s'implique. Elle a toute ma confiance!
We have no criticism to make. we have known Solange Guberman and her family for many years as friends and neighbours. She is a warm and generous person with many good qualities and enthusiasm for various social justice causes. An accomplished hostess, she excels at bringing together different people with different backgrounds. Her obvious devotion to her children and love for her grandchildren is clearly evident.
Je connais Solange Guberman depuis plusieurs années. J\'ai toujours apprécié chez elle son intelligence, sa sensibilité, sa générosité et son enthousiasme; de belles qualités qui la rendent très attachante. Femme d\'affaire responsable, elle gère avec brio une entreprise personnelle. Philanthrope, elle s\'implique dans des organismes communautaires autant sociaux que culturels en faisant partie de différents conseils d\'administration. Solange Guberman est une femme d\'une grande sensibilité culturelle de par son intérêt à l\'art sous toutes ses formes. Elle est d\'ailleurs une grande collectionneure de tableaux et d\'estampes. Solange Guberman est une femme à découvrir.
I've worked with Solange for several months now. She is a perfectionist and someone that outworks everyone around her. I have full faith in her as a leader and believe that she is fully fit to represent the people of Ottawa.
N/A Solange Guberman incarne un humanisme plein de compassion aux services de ses proches et des communautés. Ses engagements sont très respectés. Elle s\'investie pleinement dans les questions de société tant au niveau local que global. Son érudition, son éducation et son expérience dans de si nombreux domaines en font une personne dont l\'opinion est respectée et recherchée dans les milieux diplomatiques, corporatifs et culturels.
Solange demonstrates great compassion and caring for those surrounding her in their own time of need. However, she cannot assume their pain. Just be supportive! I feel privileged for knowing Solange for almost twenty years. She has proven time and time again, to all who know her how engaging and inclusive she is. When you are a friend of Solange's, you are her friend for life. One can only admire and hold the greatest respect for Solange's many academic as well as professional and humanitarian accomplishments, her success as a loving mother and grandmother and her loyalty to all those who are part of her life.
None I have known Solange for 20 years and have found her to be very highly intelligent, she is very co-operative, and cares very much for others. She is also creative, understanding and sincere. She is highly regarded in the many segments of society to which she is connected. I feel it is a great privilege to know her and I have benefitted from the many perspectives about which she has great knowledge. We have many friends in common and I know she is considered a very special person by all. Marina Kun, President, Kun Shoulder Rest Inc.
Solange Guberman incarne un humanisme plein de compassion aux services de ses proches et des communautés. Ses engagements sont très respectés. Elle s\'investie pleinement dans les questions de société tant au niveau local que global. Son érudition, son éducation et son expérience dans de si nombreux domaines en font une personne dont l\'opinion est respectée et recherchée dans les milieux diplomatiques, corporatifs et culturels.
Wirh respect to competence, professional/social/humanitarian aspects, I cannot think of a negative to apply to her being. As Professor of French at Ottawa University, Solange was very professional and compassionate to students. I found, as her student, that she had an instinctive understanding of the needs of others. She had heart! I have continued to keep her acquaintance since being her student, and I have no hesitation to recommend her.
To realise that she cannot do it \"all\". It is Solange Guberman’s humanitarian outlook that has fueled her enthusiasm and commitment to many public justice issues. Be it women’s rights, immigration concerns, advocacy for mental health, or supporting members within a disenfranchised community, Solange works tirelessly in challenging stigmatization to ensure no one gets left behind or feels unheard. The depth of her compassion and the commitment to helping others has nurtured within Solange a steady willingness and open-mindedness, in recognizing and acknowledging the value of a person with “lived experience “ can bring to the table. She is very articulate and pays close attention to detail. Her communication skills be they oral or written are exemplary. She is an absolute asset on any project.
N/a As I have not been present at Reach for the past year, having retired as executive director last December , 2015, after thirty years, I am not familiar with Solange\'s partication since my departure. However, I am pleased to share that Solange was extremely dedicated to Reach, our goals and mandate since she joined this committee. As well as assisting in various programs and seminars, she promoted and procured items and sold tickets for the annual Reach Celebrity Auction . As a self funded non-profit organization, her contributions were significant and truly valued. Her positve attitude, generousity and intelligence were trademarks of her support if this community organization.
Please tone it down a few notches. Makes no sense why you get yourself worked up at times over small things. Solange is a brilliant woman and very articulate. She works exceptionally hard at whatever she gets involved in and is a dedicated public servant.
Solanage takes things very personally, which is a good quality however I've seen her go so far as to psyche herself out over things that are non-material to her success. I recommend that Solanage focus on waht she's doing positive here and now, and not worry about things outside of her direct control that are truly non-issues in her path toward success. Always remember that you are a great person Solanage and don't give any of your positive energy to negativity that it outside of your immediate control...only you will determine what will stand in your way of success in life. Bottom line: focus 100% on the impact you can make today, right now...and don't look back. From my experiences in working directly with Solange, I must say that she is one of the most passionate, caring, and honest people I've ever spoken with. She's a very hard worker and someone that I would trust at any level of government.
Solange is an extremely professional, highly educated and competent individual with a solid professional experience in government affairs and relations. She is well known and highly respected by the Ottawa community including the government, diplomatic and arts communities. She is a pleasant, warm and extremely engaging person, who is fluent in many languages, including English, French and Italian. She is a very gracious person with very well developed skills of organising and hosting events. She believes in improving the human condition and is a generous promoter of humanitarian causes and efforts. I have every confidence that she would greatly contribute to the mandate of any office, and it would be a privilege to serve with her.
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