Faruqe Abdullah

Bangladesh, Feni, Feni
53 years old
1 2 3 4 5
0.0 0 Reviews
I'm Faruqe Abdullah. I'm an author of a company. I'll establish the company. My attempt is to make this company known all over the world.
I'm Faruqe Abdullah ‍an author of that garden guru. I am trying my best to make this company stand. I hope my company expands soon.
After finishing my education, I have been teaching for about 30 years. In addition, I work as a health assistant.
I am still working on health. We have continued to provide treatment for limited curable diseases including primary care at the doorsteps of the people. This activity of mine will continue in the future as well.

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  • Feni Government College , Bangladesh , Feni

    Bachelor of Commerce , I completed Bachelor Degree under Chattagram University from Feni Government College in 1990.
    01/1988 - 01/1990
Career History
  • Guru , Bangladesh , Feni , I'm an author at this company.

Family & Friends
Core Competencies
  • Health
  • Awareness
  • Nature
  • Globalization
  • Relation
Greatest Attributes

No Greatest Attributes Specified

Business Achievements

No Business Achievements Specified

Worst Failures in Business

No Worst Failures in Business Specified

Political Party

No Political Party Specified