Olivier Raw

United States, Florida
0 years old
0.0 0 Reviews
Core skills varies from drawing and painting to graphic illustrations.
Not open for or accepting commissions as of the moment.
Currently working as a freelancer for a couple of clients. Most of my major projects span from 3 weeks to 4 months depending on the partner I am working with.
My passion for visual art started at a very young age, and I spent more than 15 years of practicing and improving my artistic skills.
Probably will be continuing as a freelancer in the next couple of years as I am more productive with flexible working time and project-based tasks.

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No Education Specified

Career History
  • Freelance , United States , Creates different forms of visual art using a variety of materials.

    Visual Artist
Family & Friends

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Core Competencies
  • In-depth knowledge of art history, forms, etc.
  • Diverse design skills
  • Lots and lots of Creativity
  • Self-Expression
  • Well-Focused
Greatest Attributes

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Business Achievements

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Worst Failures in Business

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