Mike Crawford

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11/09/2020 @ 11:32 am

Wandering Aimlessly There was a time, a few years ago, when M/C/C was on the upswing. Now, nothing about the agency is forward-looking. There is no vision and no promise for improvement, just more of the same. Most of the clients are B2B tech companies in conservative industries. This is by design, and it's a major obstacle to producing smart or modern work. The clients are not sophisticated marketers, are unwilling to do anything unconventional, have relatively small budgets and will always defer to the least advanced strategies and least creative executions. However, it's too easy to blame this on the clients. The agency's top leadership sets the direction for new business. Ultimately that direction is to blame, not the clients themselves. The company describes itself as a digital agency, and that is mostly true but only in a technical sense. The work is mostly digital, but it's not on par with other digital agencies. There's a generation chasm between the highest level of management and the rest of the staff. Overall, the president doesn't understand what makes people tick, and morale is very low.

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