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The reviews here do not begin to describe how awful this place is Owner is the rudest, most condescending person I have had the misfortune to encounter. Publicly insulted and belittled me in front of colleagues and customers. Treats employees like slaves(this has been mentioned here multiple times- its VERY true); her mood flips instantly without reason. She takes out problems in her personal life out on her employees. There is no other way to explain the emotional & mental instability. My position was to work with customers and assist on sales accounts. What I was never told during the hiring process is that I would also be expected to fold towels for hours a day, clean up other employees desk space and & sweep and vacuum because the owner is too cheap to hire a real cleaning person. I was also expected to take out the garbage. The owner would make certain employees clean up random messes or dusty areas in the office as a punishment when she was mad about something in her personal life. I was also responsible to stock the office fridge and keep a mental list of every customers favorite candy and beverage. I was not allowed to keep a record of this information, I was expected to remember these details as if they were my social security number. When I suggested any improvements to management they quickly brushed it off. You have to remember everything here without any physical record or paper trail. Owner uses this to manipulate reality and conveniently forgets all the misinformation she gives. She once publicly humiliated me as well as others in front of a customer because the customer had bitten into a candy which had gotten "too hard." The customer quickly brushed it off but the owner used it as an opportunity to belittle me and brought it up relentlessly to myself and others. If you work here expect to do your job as well as the job of two other employees for a below average pay. Seriously- RUN FOR THE HILLS!! She will try and find any way to not pay your last check. Does not give any Christmas bonus even though the company is doing well.
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