Bill Monachino

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11/09/2020 @ 09:38 am

Temp agency mentality When the project is over there?s no bench. You?re fired. It?s a gig shop with a temp employment agency mindset. No PTO & v expensive benefits. No management knows what I do. I work for the client basically. There?s a lot of turnover with people quitting. It?s embarrassing to hear the customer ask what?s going on that people are leaving. A lot of people left since I started Even tho it?s remote work they don?t cover cost of phone or internet. So cheap! In the beginning I was told I had to bill the customer for nonworking time. There were weeks where I didn?t have a laptop even. It was unethical but they said if I wanted to be paid I had to bill and if they don?t get paid I don?t get paid. It feels like a startup out for fast money. I swear it?s a body shop I?m not even sure there?s a building lol

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