Chris Brown

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11/09/2020 @ 09:18 am

Stay away! I found out what a few of my co workers made per hour after I left the company. Needless to say, they lowball new employees who don?t know any better to save a few bucks. My pay rate was absolutely insulting. They recently sold the company (within the last year or so) and have begun laying people off because the parent company is even cheaper than they are. They want you to learn everyone else?s job (without ever being trained), at the same pay rate, just to be safe from being laid off. My expectations from management grew exponentially as well without merit or an increase in pay. They also said no one would be getting a raise this year and are in the process of moving to a smaller building. So it?s safe to say they aren?t doing so well. Management is pretty much a nightmare all around.

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