Gretchen Brauninger

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11/09/2020 @ 08:10 am

Prepare to be overworked, underpaid and under appreciated. There are no performance reviews and no raises, meaning you don?t know how you?re doing and even if you?re doing well, you don?t get rewarded. There was little to no coaching given if there was an issue. You were expected to simply change and get better with no real direction given. There is a 401K, but the company doesn?t match. You don?t receive PTO until you?ve been with the company for a year, and even then it?s only 5 days, so be prepared to work constantly with no breaks. PTO tops out at 15 days and that?s only after many years with the company. There is blatant favoritism by upper management. There are double standards in place that allow for certain people to do as they please while other departments are micro managed and nit picked at. It?s easy to tell who is salary and who is hourly, that?s for sure. You have to watch your back because people will twist your words and actions and tattle on you simply because they don?t like you. You can?t trust anyone. It?s very much like middle school. Turn over, forced or otherwise, is a problem that doesn?t seem to bother anyone. I was promised a no blame, team environment but I never once felt like that was the case. I should?ve seen the writing on the wall when someone was fired just weeks after I started and wasn?t replaced for 6 months, meaning the team was overworked and stressed, and upper management just thought we weren?t working hard enough or fast enough. Policies and procedures seemed to change on the daily in order to fit whatever situation someone was trying to get out of. Everything is always someone else?s job, meaning you end up doing most everything on your own and hoping for the best. There are daily meetings that accomplish nothing except wasting time.

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