Joshua Keller

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11/09/2020 @ 06:39 am

Miami Tech Team: HORRIBLE This review is for Maximus in Miami. It is unfortunate that there is no Maximus Glassdoor page - Union Square Media is getting dragged because technically Maximum is a sect of the USM Group and USM doesn?t seem as bad as Maximus. If you?re thinking about taking a tech position at the Miami office at Maximus, this is for you. First, take a look at the raving reviews. They highlight how much they?ve learned in such a short period of time and boast about their strong work ethic. It?s true, you do learn a lot in a short period of time but then learning becomes stagnant. You are just constantly doing work that is both unrewarding and unfulfilling. Next, notice the language: ?we have many employees here that do their job well?. That was written by a tech lead. Leads here do work hard, and they do spend their time working beyond the 9-6. Unfortunately, 1. they expect you to work the same way and 2. they?re unable to see that their work approach is outdated. Some of them only have experience from blue collar jobs and therefore have that mentality. You have to work like a mule and maybe you?ll get some respect. Even though they don?t ask you to ?clock in?, they work under that construct. You start at 9 but they expect you to be sitting at your desk and coding by then. If you?re getting coffee and settling down, it?s considered ?late?. This approach was brought up to HR and the consequence? We all got a 15 minute coffee break that we HAD to take, even if we didn?t want to. Again, a blue collar solution from a blue collar mentality. It was laughable. But also embarrassing and degrading. Also laughable? That they?re still called ?leads? when there?s no one to ...lead. Their entire tech team is gone because - well, you can just read all of the 1 star reviews, all of which I can confirm are true. You can see there?s no one else on that team but leads on their website's about page. When you become a lead anywhere else, you have to learn to delegate and use the new time to build a team that looks forward to coming to work because they?re respected, and not talked down to. You want your team to be autonomous and want to work for a company culture they believe in. However, that is not the case here. I should?ve known from the first day I started. The leads are forced to take you out to lunch and then they don?t even talk to you when you?re out at lunch with them. You will sit at a table with about 4-5 team members that don?t even ask you not one single question about yourself. They don?t care about where you?ve worked last, why you came to work there, or who you are - at all. Actually, they might care a little but none of them are equipped with the social skills necessary to start a conversation and keep it going. Then you start talking to the rest of the team you meet there and they?ve all had the same exact lunch experience as you. They all feel disdain from the leads and they are all motivated by fear. Oh - and no one talks during work hours. Imagine sitting next to others from 9-6 and never talking to anyone around you. You can only slack. No one says that you can?t talk, but it?s implied. You?re even slacking about a problem for 20 minutes when you?re 2 feet away from the tech lead that can help sort the problem in 2 minutes, using spoken words. All of this has been brought up to HR. Note for HR: spare me your staple ?If this had been brought to our attention while you were with us, we would have had an opportunity to work to improve things for you.? It?s just not true.

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