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Good People W/ Lost Leadership Currently IMVU?s profitability is built at the cost of the employee pool. If you work for this company you can expect frequent burn out due to constant crunching, to work during vacation/off hours, constant politics from SVPs or VPs, and low pay compared to other companies demanding less work. For new employees, it is easy to miss these issues but overtime it becomes unbearable. IMVU declined drastically after the hiring of the current CEO and in particular, of his new executive staff. The CEO seems to have good intentions but is under experienced and uniformed about the type of services IMVU develops. He is separated from rest of the company and communicates mostly with a small group of execs and managers who tend not to be interested in their employee?s perspectives or day to day work. Questionable executive hires/decisions were made, despite outspoken employee objections and major ethical red flags made under his watch. Constructive criticism is often met with disregard and in extreme cases, layoffs of individuals. There is no accountability for bad behavior, including those who use their department resources for personal gain rather than the company goals. A lot of IMVU?s talent has been slowly driven away by leadership?s neglect of details, organization, clear direction, support, and transparent communication. The remaining staff have had to increase work loads without proper support for new demands. This is especially true for the departments focused on product planning including engineering, marketing, and design. Some SVPs intentionally drive divide between employees in favor of their own personal goals at the cost of the organization. The HR executive has been made aware of the unsustainable practices and ethical issues but no action has been taken. Full teams of loyal workers have chose to leave the company due to feeling undervalued and ignored causing IMVU?s best talent, to leave for more humane treatment, transparent intent, and better pay. This unfortunately has caused more work for the remaining staff who have to pick up the pieces. It is due to these experiences, I sadly can?t recommend employment at IMVU despite hoping for the best for the company?s future and the employees well being.
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