Scott Rees

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11/09/2020 @ 02:47 am

Bad Place for Analysts I worked here 5 years as an analyst, there was a lot of turnover in that position, I figured people with our skill set could get better money elsewhere, but being comfortable and confident in my job is more important to me and the first 4 years I had that, and rarely felt overworked or too stressed. At that point we had an engineer and two good analysts from our team leave the company, one of them being the lead analyst for the team. An engineer was brought in from another team, we hired one new analyst, and instead of promoting someone to be the new lead analyst, another analyst coordinator was just given the same duties for our team as well as their own. The new engineer was a nightmare to work with, always creating more work than necessary and putting pressure on me (and other analysts) to get things done faster than normal, I'm pretty sure just to make himself look better. I know I'm not the only one who had problems working with him. The team that he left ended up hiring a new engineer later, which was suspicious. Then naturally, swapping out two experienced analysts for one new analyst, where there's about a year learning curve, created a sharp increase in individual workload for us. All of these factors combined to create a very unpleasant and stressful environment the last year I was there. I tried to push it off and be myself the best I could, I don't know why I stayed, I guess I had a fear of the unknown and some misguided hope things would eventually get better. I thought I might bring up some of these issues with my team leader at our yearly review, but he beat me to the punch and called a meeting with me and him and the person that was acting as analyst coordinator for our team. They had noticed my recent lack of enthusiasm and I went ahead and voiced my frustrations. Then they basically wanted to know if there was any training or different projects that would make me happier, since that wasn't the problem I didn't have any answers and we left it at that. We met again a few weeks later and the story became that my performance had become worse and I wasn't interested in the job anymore, and I needed to decide if I wanted to stay there and improve my performance or go somewhere else. Then a few days later I talked to my team leader about how I might possibly want to stay, but was told to leave and basically fired at that point. I was at least given some extra time and pay before termination, I was really close to 5 years at which point my 401k would be fully vested so they let it hit that point, I guess that was an okay deal for all my service there.

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