Elcid Choi

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11/09/2020 @ 02:15 am

Absolutely the worst company the work for ever CEO micromanages nonstop. He is always in your business, trying to tell you how you should do your job. -Upper management is a joke, they have no idea how to run an effective business or keep their employees happy. -Really bad pay, they will try to pay you little as possible or even not pay you at all. This is the reason why they hire so many interns all the time. They just cycle through interns to do all the grunt work, hire them full time for about a year until they burn out and then let them go. The turn around time at this company is no joke. I've seen around 8 people let go after being there for less than 1 year. -If you work here, not only will you be working for Innerspin, you will be doing work for all of the other failing company the CEO has under his belt. It doesn't matter if you signed up for Innerspin, once you work here you will have to pull the weight for all his understaffed companies. You will NOT be compensated for working extra. -CCO and President are not to be trusted, they both talk a big game but they don't ever walk the walk. It's all bull talk. They will use what you tell them in confidence against you later on when they are letting you go. Plus, they talk so much crap behind each others back. How can you plan for success when upper management doesn't even like each other? -The A/C is always on extremely low, you always have to wear a sweater to work and even then you are still shaking from how cold it is. The CEO refuses to raise the air because he cares more about keeping his servers from overheating rather than keeping his employees from freezing to death. -They provide no training. Because they are understaffed and underdeveloped, there is no one to train you to how you should do your job. It is a lot of "figure it out yourself". -There are no guidelines for anything in this office. No proper way to request for vacation time, no proper way to get reimbursed, no procedures lined out for you to follow. Everything is all over the place. -It takes you FOREVER to get reimbursed back. One time it took my colleague around 2 months to get her money reimbursed. That is ridiculous. -They never pay any of their vendors on time, so sometimes you will have them come to the office and make a scene. It gets kind of scary. One time a vendor came and started yelling and threatening our receptionists. They shouldn't have to be harassed because the CEO won't sign off on checks that he SHOULD be paying. The only reason why he refuses to pay them is because the upper management did not ask for his permission so in turn he is "teaching them a lesson" (his words exactly). This is ridiculous, this is a BUSINESS. You shouldn't be holding girly grudges and power tripping like that. They have burned so many bridges with vendors because of this. -They do NOT pay you overtime when you are a nonexempt employee. This is illegal.

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