Matt Munson

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11/09/2020 @ 02:12 am

A Sinking Ship. Don't waste your time. This company has reduced it's headcount by 80% in the last two months, they are now down to a whopping 13 people. - No one has any idea what our CEO does during his frequent "Fundraising" trips and copious vacation. - Love to preach about being open and yet management is the complete opposite of open. I have a hard time believing we let go of half our team last week because we want to pursue a route that we barely have a months worth of data on. - No quality leadership in this company. CEO surrounds himself by "Yes men" in his inner circle and those who bring fresh ideas or concerns are quickly pushed to the side. On top of that, there is zero empathy. -Honestly, feels like the company is being run by a man children who just want to play start up.

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