Amy Shecter

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11/09/2020 @ 01:55 am

Shameful and tactless The cons are too long to list, but it all begins with a CEO who has zero business acumen. The ideas for initiatives and focuses that come out of her mouth have left many of us dumbfounded in meetings. She lies so much you wonder if she knows fact from fiction, she thinks of herself first and foremost and in this day and age that is simply not the way to lead anything or anyone, let alone an entire company. With that mindset how could you ever guide a company to success? She is not people first; she is me first. This ethos has tainted everything company wide and resulted in a culture of poor if not nonexistent communication, and no transparency. Who is managing the direction of the brand? Apparently no one since we have no brand voice or feel. Where are the controls that would help us avoid disastrous decisions that led the company to where it is now? Yes this pandemic is affecting everyone but it?s only highlighted and intensified the perilous situation GS was already in. Money we didn?t have months ago was still spent on needless ventures that did nothing to actually push the brand forward. Last summer you were forced to lay people off but that wasn?t a dire enough warning to wake you up. There have also been countless resignations and that didn?t rattle you or make you pay attention either.

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