Roseanne Luth

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11/09/2020 @ 01:17 am

Avoid this company. The turnover rate at this company is crazy high, people will leave as soon as they realize what they have gotten into. The few who choose to stay behind are not treated well either, no raises, no reviews, salaries are way below the market value. The culture is toxic, no one likes to be here, everyone one is looking for alternatives and just linger around until something comes along. The management has no interest in changing anything. Not really sure how this place has been around for this long. For a company that boosts its ego based on its clientele and its reach in market research, most of those clients will never return for other projects because that's how terrible the delivered data is, "oversell and under deliver" is the motto here. There is nothing good that this place can offer you, if you are someone with no experience and just want to get that, then you may get something out of Luth. In short, this place will exploit you for what you have, pay as less as possible and show no respect for what you do.

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