Doug Robinson

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11/03/2020 @ 02:36 am

CULTure WARNING So they pretty much give you just enough information on the solar industry so you can get by, knocking doors to generate leads for other people to close deals. This company does not provide you with any resources or material for you to become better at what you do. They want you to buy in to their system and IF you do for a significant amount of time then... maybe you will be given access to a platform to learn the industry in and out . The management of this company does not care about the individual employee, or how valuable they may be if given the tools to become successful. They only care about the numbers you are producing and will not take the time to help you become better. Many former employees have not been paid or compensated for the work they have done and management refuses to answer the phone or contact anyone back. Embarrassing. There are many other companies out there, willing to hire , train and work with individuals to help them become better within the industry. This company does not care about its employees, renewable energy or how they conduct themselves...only their numbers.

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