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Terrible, scam-based organization I was part of a group of people who had worked with the founders of the Future Project for years. I witnessed gross financial mismanagement, nonexistent HR protections, numerous workplace and ethical violations, and the incredibly manipulative pull of a few people -- essentially, the founders, who were reliant upon a single large corporate grant -- to cajole or threaten people into quitting or resigning once the money dried out, and they could no longer give TED talks and schmooze with NYC donors at fundraisers. My sense is that while the founders do love education, they loved becoming famous even more -- and because of that, they exuberantly over-expanded, marginalized or threatened critics, paid for lavish digs, and claimed they were "changing the world" while forgetting that one cannot hire all their employees and promise health insurance and salaries when one DOES NOT HAVE THE MONEY TO DO SO.
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