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Stay far far Away I left mirrorball a few months ago, it took a while to digest just how toxic the environment was. Instead of fostering and nurturing talent, the CEO bred a very contentious work place driven by ego and mean spiritedness. He spoke negatively about everyone that worked for him. He inserted himself in every aspect of a project, derailing and ruining relationships with vendors and clients. He inserts his ?25 years of industry knowledge? to ?prove? he understands what he?s doing, but ends up spending 10x more the amount bc he?s clueless, then blames everyone around him for his careless spending. What once use to be a successful and impressive 80 person agency is down to a pathetic grouping of 3-4 staffers. The CEO has single handedly dismantled his own agency, alienating many great talent that once use to walk through the doors when the agency was run by real leaders. Any recent positive reviews you see here, are not legitimate, he has paid a girl to write positive reviews and has badgered Glassdoor to remove negative ones. This man is a total hack and has one of the worst reputations in the industry. Do not work or do business with this man.
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