Mark Mcdonnell

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11/02/2020 @ 11:06 pm

Stay away at all costs Romy, the latest CEO, and CEO's here change faster than tires on a race car, is probably the worst leader the organization has had since its inception. She is not a good leader and lacks the character necessary to lead an organization. If you want to have your offer letter taken away from you days before you start, apply at Vault. If you want to get benefits taken away from you as a full time employee without reason or warning, Vault is your home. If you want to be micromanaged or blamed for the shortcomings of leadership, work at Vault. In other words, stay away at all costs. The technology stack is a 6 year old house of cards. Everyone in the product/development team has either quit or gotten fired because the CEO doesn't understand how product and development work, so she tries to micromanage without actually giving out any direction. I feel bad for the investors that have put money in this promising company for many years, only to see it squandered by a leader that is making all the employees quit, and in essence having on capacity to build new or maintain existing products. So sad.

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