Jim Wong

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11/02/2020 @ 10:59 pm

Smoke & Mirrors---not what it was The owner sold the organization to PE firm and we were assured nothing would change. Four partners exited overnight and we were left in the dark from what used to be a "transparent organization". Their books of business for the most part gone. They fired a top performer after returning from President's Club and that should have been a warning. Once the PE forced Jeff Mariola to fall on the sword for not growing as fast as they would have liked, a dozen people exited the organization within two weeks 95% willingly. The new President quickly eliminated the work from home policy that she had let get out of control for our team and that was it for me. A promise was taken away and that does not sit right with me or the rest of my team. There is no HR but there are plenty of legal issues to be concerned about. Don't let the promise of uncapped commission, happy hours, beer Friday, and an all company event fool you, it is not worth the toxic nature certain "senior" individuals instill in each team. The top producer for the organization has left, that should be enough for anyone to be concerned. Another 'top' producer seems to be pushing members of their team out the door one after another (so I've heard from them). How this has gone unnoticed baffles me. You are also 'asked' to vote for your own company for Best Places to Work and even give positive reviews on here. Do not be fooled.

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  • http://www.brilliantfs.com
    Founder and Board Member
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