Doug Hepfer

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11/02/2020 @ 10:20 pm

Quality of Jewelry Gone Down Severely Company used to not push recruiting, but now it does. You used to be able to work your business on your own time and not have to worry about minimum sales. Now you have to have a minimum of $500 over 6 consecutive months. Jewelry has severely gone down in quality. I used to not be allergic to the earrings which was a huge selling point for me. The new earrings I can only wear for an hour before I start getting a reaction. I can still wear the old earrings without reactions, so it truly is the quality. New jewelry constantly arrives damaged. With the Lifetime Guarantee, it doesn't make too big of a deal but more of an annoyance and embarrassing when new customers get damaged jewelry. Training and meeting have gone downhill. Trainings/Meetings used to be through different meeting programs. Now if you don't have Facebook, you get left out of a lot of important information because that is the main way they communicate to merchandisers now.

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