Sean Dobson

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11/02/2020 @ 07:15 pm

Groundhog's day at Amherst -Poor leadership once again revealed Hey senior leadership let us know if you have seen this cycle again, layoffs, hire senior outside people to come in and lead, the most senior of leadership does not like the fact that these skilled and experience new hires typically have better ideas and lead better, those people then get micromanaged by leadership, get frustrated and either chose to leave or get let go....hire senior people from outside the organization. Typically this cycle takes about two-three years and will restart again. Save this commentary and check back in three years and you will see all the recently added senior hires be replaced once again. Narcissist leadership ultimately will lead to its downfall, egos getting bigger, cycles get tighter, misses getting larger. It's a real shame that some senior leadership simply say its better than not having a job!! That's not leadership!!

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