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Dysfunctional family owned company Work are distribute unevenly throughout the whole company. Some have tons of free time surfing the internet and leaving the office for break while others are working like slaves. Customer service is the worst department to work for in this company - endless emails, never ending orders and follow ups. Very time consuming when everything is so outdated. (Ancient hand written stock books and greige cards) Always get the blame if something goes wrong. (Never the salesperson or production fault) Customer service reps are always the last to leave the office. Not because they want to (no OT!) it just the insane amount of work to do, can't just get up and go after 5pm. No appreciation at all, they make you feel like you suppose to stay late. You are taking your personal time trying to finish your work by staying after 5pm yet upper management expect you to pick up phone calls just because our boss do not like it when the call is unanswered! How stupid is that!!! (There's something called a voicemail system which you can let people know the office is currently closed, they can leave a voicemail or call back tomorrow!!) Salaries are not based on your work performance or work experience, it based on how likable you are with the upper management. There is no room to grow since it's a family owned company, all the upper management are family! Unless you become their family member or else go look for another job. Turnover rates are high. No guidelines whatsoever, procedures and policies can be different/change within days depend on their mood. Departments are not working as a team. Orders always late because it takes forever to process through Order Processing and Credit department. It takes at least a week to ship stock goods for a RUSH order that can be done within 1-2days. Overall the company is very dysfunctional just like the family!!
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