Jerry Daniels

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1 2 3 4 5
11/02/2020 @ 05:57 pm

Disingenuous Shell Company CEO heavily flexes his prior years as a car dealership salesman and general manager to sell you the idea that this company is doing well. He?s the kind of leader that tells you about the record highs but fails to mention the entire departments he just let go to make the books look good. I?ve only seen this level of employee turn around in a call center. They believe in the mantra of do the most with the least. If you love working yourself to death, this is the company for you. Get ready to be a salaried, exempt employee while getting paid well below the market average for the state. Do you want upward mobility? Are you not related to the CEO or a member of his church? Well, tough luck. The nepotism in this company is blatant. It?s thinly veiled behind ?feel good? company core values and is a perfect example of ?rules for thee, not for me?. Did you know that discussing your salary with fellow employees is federally protected, well, ABN doesn?t. in fact, they actively tell you not to. And they?ve actually terminated employees for it. Aside from PTO, there are no benefits to speak of, the insurance options are laughable with poor coverage and expensive. The 401(k) isn?t matched so enjoy trying to save for retirement on your own. Out of PTO and sick? You better come in or take an unpaid day because they will fight you over having to work remotely. It took a global pandemic and national emergency to finally institute remote work and that wasn?t until we already hit 20k cases in the US. Prepare to have to use your PTO or unpaid leave if you are unable to work when a hurricane comes in. this verbatim from the CEOs mouth last hurricane season where they forbade remote work and forced PTO/UTO if you couldn?t make it into the office. For a hurricane. In Florida. This will seem like unwanton complaining of a disgruntled employee that was canned. But its not. I wasn?t terminated, I quit of my own volition. All this needed to be said because I don?t want others to make the same mistake of getting trapped in this hellscape like I did.

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    United States, Missouri, Harrisonville
    1 2 3 4 5

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