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Average Company with Terrible Career Development and Management Despite all these positives I can't seem to get past any of the negatives. The firm has a terrible work-life balance, as you are expected to be available at all times, including evenings, weekends, and on vacation. There is no career development and you'll be lucky to have a five minute conversation with your manager about anything related to a performance or personal development. There is a clear sense of favoritism within the firm and if you are on the outside looking in - good luck. The company claims that they will give you a year-end bonus of 20% of salary, but the chance of you being there until December 31st in unlikely, as your contract states you may be dismissed at any point with or without cause. This means that when the company fails to meet year-end revenue goals they like to cut people to avoid paying bonuses so they are able to artificially meet year-end targets to show the world how they are successfully able to grow each year.
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