Seth R. Greenberg

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0 years old
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11/02/2020 @ 02:12 pm

Low Pay High Expectations The expectation to display culture does not apply to upper management, on any given day you can expect to be yelled at and verbally abused due to the small company culture, there?s a lack of professionalism and respect . The company is pushing to grow the portfolio with the same number of staff, expect to be overworked and under paid, very big and complex portfolio due to lack of organization and training to onsite teams, there is no senior position and your title advancement is contingent on an unknown number of units in your portfolio . They do not care about there employees health. During the covid-19 pandemic the leasing staff continued to work onsite and they refuse to adapt to remote working even if you fall ill during a pandemic.Did not respond to anything on the BLM movement .

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    Chief Executive Officer
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