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Terika demonstrated her management skills could be improved. Time and time again, she would make mistakes that negatively affected her coworkers. Of course everyone makes mistakes. Hopefully those won't be so numerous as Terika's. First of all, her behavior suggested she was one for favouritism. She regularly got her friends hired and promoted. She also created cliques at the workplace, to the exclusion of some employees. This included "friending" certain coworkers on social media, but blocking other employees of the same title and who had known her the same amount of time. There was no apparent reason for this. Managers need to be more careful with their social media presence. Connecting certain employees and not others suggested that she likely favorited those employees. She also went on personal outings with groups of some employees and not others. Normally I wouldn't complain, but they regularly talked about it at the workplace. This was a very unprofessional. Lastly, Ms. Tischer was too loose with her language. She addressed her coworkers with pet names, talked negatively about overweight people, and regularly made inappropriate comments about people's clothing and weight.
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