HyunJin Moon

United States
0 years old
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Hyun Jin Moon is the founder and chairman of the Global Peace Foundation and other affiliated organizations, which promote a vision of peace based on shared values of the world's major cultures and faith traditions.
Hyun Jin Moon is a global peace advocate. He has made it his life's mission to build a network of leaders and empower youth to foster harmony among nations, races, religions, and cultures. As founder of the Global Peace Foundation (GPF), he has devised and implemented models to improve global peace, security, and development.
He asserts that peace efforts must integrate deeply with spirituality in a practical, realistic way. His approach is founded on the vision that all men, women, and children are part of one family under God. This vision transcends the divides of humanity, and applies to people of all ethnic, national, cultural, and religious backgrounds.
Dr. Moon’s central vision is that all people are members of One Family Under God. Through organizations Hyun Jin has established, Dr. Moon strategically identifies opportunities for peaceful change, cultural harmony, and development. In doing so, the organizations engage and empower a vast network of leaders across the globe. These leaders foster community, regional, and national peace. They underscore the importance of ethical societies that are connected as one family under God.

As service is central to his value system, Dr. Hyun Jin Moon founded Service For Peace (SFP). SFP brings together people of differing faiths, ethnicities, cultures, ages, and nationalities. Together, the diverse members address urgent social needs. Side by side, the members discover similarities and gain a deep appreciation for their differences.
Service for Peace (SFP) supports community-driven development. The organization was created on the vision that living to promote good is a shared vision that crosses all nations, faiths, and races. Founded in 2001, the organization has expanded to 27 nations, and spreads the message of joy through learning, service, leadership, and sustainable improvements.

This organization is made up of a worldwide network of young leaders. It is dedicated to educating and lifting up young people, to help them become moral, innovative leaders. By bringing together people of all faiths, cultures, and ethnicities, the organization works to positively affect youth culture. It provides service-learning opportunities for young people to learn, work, and grow together by teaching the skills and knowledge youths need to develop social impact projects.
Hyun Jin Moon works in both developed nations and nations in the developing regions. In underdeveloped regions, youth can make up nearly 70 percent of the overall population. When looking toward the future, and the most impactful ways to instill peace across cultures, he looks to the young as the most powerful hope for the future.

As founder of the Global Peace Foundation, Hyun Jin Moon has greatly impacted social change through strategic cohesion, peace, and development efforts. The mission of the GPF is based on shared values and principles of great religions and cultures across the globe. Every initiative the organization spearheads revolves around the vision that all people, regardless of differences, religion, culture, race, or nationality, are all members of the same family under God.
Early on, the Global Peace Foundation started by holding Global Peace Festivals throughout the world to bring together the multitudes of faith, cultural, and ethnic communities in a nation together to celebrate the beauty of diversity. GPF utilized celebration as a strategic tool to create space for reconciliation in regions beset by conflict. To date, over a million people have participated in Global Peace Festivals on six continents.

After a Paraguayan festival, more than 10,000 students dedicated weeks to cleaning the parks of the nation's capital city. Officials, community leaders, and religious figures publicly noted that service had never been a part of the region's youth culture. The GPF was the leading force in shifting focus from self-gratification to selflessness and service of others. Even more, the festival helped ease the transition of power between entire governments during a period of uncertainty and wariness.
In Kenya, the organization's festival was boldly held, immediately following a divisive, bloody, and dangerous election process. Hyun Jin Moon and the GPF championed an unexpected service effort during a time of chaos. Under the organization's guidance, thousands of young Kenyans gathered together to clean the banks of the Nairobi River, which had been all but ruined after the election violence. It brought a sense of unity to a region where conflict had become the norm.
In light of the organization's efforts, Prime Minister Raila Odinga publicly stated that the GPF had become a driving force in the ending of violence after the election, which had brought the nation dangerously close to civil war.

In one of its most touching achievements, the GPF's gave renewed hope to the nation of Mongolia. Alongside other agencies, thousands of youths worked tirelessly to beautify the city of Ulaanbaatar and turn it into a symbol of harmony. The then president, once a communist, asserted to Hyun Jin Moon that the young volunteers were living, breathing proof that the vision of "One Family Under God" was a necessary message that needed to be spread. He believed that this vision was needed to walk Mongolia into a renaissance and rebirth, and act as the foundation of the country's spiritual development.
The organization was founded on three pillars: interfaith, family, and service.

The first pillar is interfaith. Moon and the GPF emphasize a new way of approaching interfaith relationships. The organization goes beyond tolerance, and places its focus on the commonalities of the world's major spiritual systems.

By shifting attention to shared values, rather than simply accepting differences, people of all faith backgrounds can find common ground and work as a united group. This approach leverages inspiration, inherent in faith, to encourage cooperation between even the most dramatically different groups.

The power of the GPF's interfaith approach has been seen in countries across the globe. Interreligious efforts are now becoming one of the most important forces in conflict resolution, especially in "hot spot" nations, such as Nigeria, where deep conflict rooted in religious divides were reaching dangerous levels.

In the Philippines, the GPF's Mindanao Peace Initiative has made incredible progress for the nation's people. Governor Dimanporo, of Lanao del Norte, asserted that the Global Peace Festival in Mindanao was a "turning point" in the region's history, which renewed hope and contributed to a positive shift in cooperative culture.

The second pillar, upon which GPF was built, is that family is the most fundamental, important, and powerful component of humanity. Family is where love and peace are learned, instilled, and nurtured.
Hyun Jin Moon explains that within a family, each child may be unique and different from their brothers and sisters but are still part of the same family, born from the same parents. This respect for differences and working together toward the overall well-being of the family is first learned within the family. The family is the school of love in which the character and heart of the individual is formed at the deepest level. Values are principles in action, imparted to the next generation. Future citizens with clear ethical values and an active sense of social responsibility are nurtured within strong families and vibrant communities. These citizens form nations and a world where diversity is celebrated and humanity lives as one family under one Divine parent.
The third pillar of the organization is centered on service. It advocates that a service-based culture is the most effective and meaningful way to affirm that all people are part of one family under God. As people of all nations adopt a lifestyle of selflessness, they become living models of great character.

Service puts the values formed in family and community into practice in the wider society. It is a catalyst for personal transformation, fostering young leaders of character who can become agents of social transformation. Service in other countries and cultures develops awareness of and a sense of responsibility for the wider society and world, forming bonds of heart that transcend historic differences.
GPF supports sustainable, community-driven initiatives. One signature project that is developing in many regions is the Alllights Village Project. This initiative is dedicated to providing solar-powered light and clean energy to the peoples in remote villages with little or no access to energy. It does more than give light—it gives hope. By offering more light, it gives people security at night and further extends the chance to improve education by freeing up resources to invest in learning and extend study hours. Furthermore, it increases the health of residents by switching from dangerous kerosene burning to utilizing a healthy, pollution-free light source, and it gives reasons to share resources and work together, even in communities deeply divided by ethnicity or faith. In communities that the Alllights Village Project has helped, the poor are saving nearly one and a half year’s worth of income in just five years, simply by taking advantage of the organization's outstanding efforts.
To promote these three pillars and the adoption of peace and service, the Global Peace Foundation has developed strategic ongoing local and national initiatives, Global Peace Festivals, youth service projects, leadership training, and community empowerment, Dr. Hyun Jin Moon continually finds opportunity to improve quality of life and give leaders the tools they need to lift themselves and their communities out of hardship and into prosperity. Each of these strategic efforts takes into account a region or peoples' opportunity for growth, and finds ways to empower them from within.

As he presses forward, Dr. Moon believes it is paramount to promote fundamental human rights and natural freedoms. His vision and belief is that all of humanity was created equal, and race, culture, nationality, or religion has no impact on a person's rights.

He whole heartedly pursues a world where the values of equality are guarded and promoted across the globe. To Hyun Jin Moon, freedoms, such as worship, speech, and conscience deserve celebration and protection against tyranny, corruption, and amoral leadership across the world.

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Dr. Moon and the Global Peace Foundation advocate the vision that all of humanity belongs to one family under God. Humanity needs empowerment through organizations like the GPF, SFP, and other uplifting, peace-focused efforts to become its best version. Hyun Jin asserts that with a foundation in morality and service, people can overcome ancient barriers, like ethnicity, religion, and nationality, to work toward a common goal of promoting a more tranquil world. As Hyun Jin Moon promotes his vision of peace, he plans to continually empower men, women, and children across globe world. He believes that with a clear vision, he, his organizations, and its countless members and leaders can enhance peace, respect, security, and development in neighborhoods and nations worldwide.

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  • Columbia University in the City of New York , United States , New York City, New York

    Bachelor of Arts in History
  • Harvard Business School , United States , Boston, Massachusetts

    MBA, Business Administration
Career History
  • Founder and Chairman , United States , Washington, DC

    01/2009 to 12/2099
  • Founder , United States , Washington, DC

    04/2001 to 12/2099
Family & Friends

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Core Competencies
  • Global Peace
  • Global Development
  • Ethniticity
  • Religion
  • Community Service
  • Interfaith Partnerships
  • Family Strengthening
  • Environment
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Leadership
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