Rich Gorman

United States, New York, Manhattan
42 years old
4.2 15 Reviews
Rich Gorman is an Entrepreneur that creates businesses for a living. Gorman works on 2 different types of business models:

Business Model 1 creates campaigns with recurring revenue. The economics behind the model is such that for every dollar placed into media spends there's an immediate return on that dollar. Part of the profits are reinvested into the campaign and the campaign scales accordingly. The end goal is to turn each offer into recurring revenue.

Business Model 2 takes disruptive concepts and turns them into a viable businesses. This model requires minimal burn rates as it adheres to market trends, immediately capitalizing on industry opportunities to fund growth. The end goal is an exit via taking the company public or having it acquired through a strategic buyer.
Rich Gorman is a big believer in work/life balance. When starting his career, he would work 7 days a week full-time, spending little to no time focused on family and friends. Then one day he woke up and realized that his kids were growing up too fast, and that the precious memories of their childhood are worth more money than all of the money in the world.After having this epiphany, Rich scaled back his working days to 5 full-time days 12 hour days, and 3-4 hours a day on weekends.

To compensate of the missed working hours, Rich began infusing his companies with talent from C-Level Execs to critical linchpins. Now for the first time ever Rich was able focus exclusive time on his family...without the distractions of business affairs. As a policy when spending time with his family, Rich will often times completely disconnect himself from business technology phone/iPad/computer.

This allows him to focus quality time on his family, and gives him the opportunity to recharge his batteries so that he can add more value to his businesses. Rich is at the point in his career where he's seen a lot, but hasn't seen it all. He has built an expansive business network, including but not limited to media partners, financial institutions, legal teams, developers, designers, operators, lobbyists, and other fellow entrepreneurs. Launching new ventures and scaling current businesses is now easier than ever before.
Rich Gorman is an internet entrepreneur that specializes in creating disruptive business models. Starting his career in Online Direct Response Marketing over ten years ago, Rich has built e-commerce business models that played transformative roles in a number of industries, notably PR, Brand Management, and Fulfillment. His specialty is in continuity billing models.

Rich graduated Cum Laude from Ohio University with a degree in Business Law and Economics. Thereafter Rich Gorman enrolled in Harvard's Extension School, in which he successfully completed 1 semester. During his second semester his daughter's mother was tragically killed in a car accident. Rich thereafter dropped out to devote his time to raising his daughter and build businesses. Rich went on to launch a litany of online businesses, 2 of which he has successfully exited.
Rich Gorman plans to build more businesses and continue to hire CEOs to run them. Gorman is a bona-fide workaholic and will likely work till he is blue in the face. He subscribes to the philosophy that the harder you work, the luckier you get. Gorman hopes to leave a positive legacy behind for his children. Rich wishes for them to enjoy the financial security to pursue their dreams in life.

When it comes to life, Gorman heeds to Theodore Roosevelt's speech on The Man In The Arena

It is not the critic who counts not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood who strives valiantly who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming but who does actually strive to do the deeds who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions who spends himself in a worthy cause who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

As such, the life of the internet entrepreneur is not a life for the timid...go all-in and give it your best.

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Let people know your experience with Rich

06/06/2018 @ 02:52 pm

Rich can at times move very fast in business that can inevitably cause extra work. However, that being said, it's that same tenacity and drive that leads to many of Rich's professional successes. Rich has that rare ability to identify scalable internet based based businesses as well as the operational skills to build them out and make them profitable. Rich's work ethic is second to none and he expects excellence from himself and those he works with. There just are not a lot of negative things to say about Rich. He is also a loyal employer, partner and friend as well as being an extremely dedicated father.

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06/06/2018 @ 03:01 pm

I actually can not think of anything that he needs to improve on. If anything, I would say he should get a little more sleep, but doesn't everybody? The best thing about Rich is that he never gives up, he stands up for what is right. When he rarely is in the wrong, he will quickly admit it. He works extremely hard everyday to give his loved ones the best everyday. When he sets his mind in doing something, he will get it done, even if his fingers are bleeding!

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08/22/2018 @ 09:38 am

Total workaholic that doesn't understand the meaning of balance.

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09/15/2018 @ 06:59 pm

Rich is the master of the entrepreneurial universe. His talents will be public in short time... mark my words!

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11/13/2018 @ 06:38 pm

I have worked with Rich on several projects. He is one of the most lazer focused people I have ever met

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01/30/2019 @ 05:36 pm

Rich doesn't understand work life balance and burns employees out. Stop calling on people on Sundays asking them to work, people have lives outside of work.

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04/21/2019 @ 11:07 pm

Rich is a marketing genius and has helped me grow my business.

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04/25/2019 @ 01:02 pm

Rich is the best salesman I have ever met. He's HIGH energy and works like a honey badger. He is relentless and lazer focused on the task in front of him and I still look to him as a mentor today.

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06/10/2019 @ 09:03 pm

Rich was great leader when we worked together. A tireless worker that gives all of himself to every project.

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08/16/2019 @ 05:29 am

Rich is an innovative and inspiring entrepreneur. He is able to critique as he’s encouraging you. He’s the very epitome of a self starter and one of the most brilliant out-of-the-box thinkers I’ve yet to meet.

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08/17/2019 @ 09:52 pm

Rich is laser focused on everything he does. Very good salesman and mentor.

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11/14/2019 @ 04:13 am

Rich is an amazing professional who has always been willing to pick up the phone, email and respond to anything. Whenever I've needed advice, he's been there to give it to me no matter what.

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07/13/2020 @ 02:59 am

Total workAholic that has no life. Learn balance.

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10/01/2020 @ 10:35 pm

I've worked with Rich for years and can solemnly swear that no one works harder than the guy. He simply outworks people and has the ability to see the whole picture. When he sets his mind on something he doesn't stop. Strong grasp on design, development, and has a very high sales aptitude.

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01/18/2021 @ 06:16 pm

Effective guy in his projects, and this is a big BUT, is way too demanding and doesn't pay as much as other people. Treat your freelancers better with more money.

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  • Harvard Extension School , United States

    Masters of Liberal Arts in Finance (1 semester completed)
    09/2009 - 03/2010
  • University of Florida , United States , Gainesville

    Paralegal Certificate , Obtained paralegal certificate.
    06/2007 - 12/2008
  • Ohio University , United States

    Bachelor's Degree in Business Law & Economics
    03/2006 - 05/2009
  • Florida State University , United States

    12/2000 - 12/2003
Career History
  • Entrepreneur , United States , I have worked as an entrepreneur since I was 19.
Family & Friends
Core Competencies
  • Direct Response Marketing
  • Sales Engineering
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Public Relations
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Social Media
  • Corporate Litigation
  • Business Management
  • CPG
  • Publishing
Greatest Attributes
  • Visionary
  • Connector
  • Tenacious
  • Loyal
  • Thick Skinned
Business Achievements
  • Exited
  • Exited
  • Exited NewsLauncher
  • Silent Investor In Multiple Startups & Later Stage Ventures
Worst Failures in Business
  • - I founded the business and generated $37M in revenue in 2.5 years yet the venture did not succeed. Many lessons learnt from this venture.
  • Caproxen - I launched an FDA monographed hair regrowth formula called Caproxen. Come to find out men that are losing their hair dig deep into the ingredients and realized that Caproxen was just a branded minoxidil formula.
  • Health Converter - built an affiliate network up that focused on the health and beauty vertical. Ultimately was a great learning experience and generated a lot of revenue, but there's nothing truly proprietary about running an aff network.
  • Cenalex - Worked to build an Acai weight loss brand back in the day, come to find out it was a fad market.
Political Party