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Don't trust her. She will takes things you said in private sessions in which she said it was okay to be honest and truthful with her and then use those things you said to perform disciplinary actions later. She'll always be looking for a way for you to say something that she can use against you later. She's a snake. If you ask her for advice on how to do things differently she won't give you much direction. Then, later on, during team meetings, she'll tell the whole team things she does that make her a great employee. These will be things that you could have been given advice on doing when you had asked her. She's either too stupid to realize that those things would have been good advice to give when you asked her or too stuck up to give you the good advice in the first place. If you're having issues with coworkers, you can go to her and ask her for advice on what to do differently with that coworker and she won't give you any accurate or helpful advice. She may even just tell you that everything is the other coworkers problem and that your personalities merely clash.
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