Profile picture of Families In Schools

Families In Schools

Los Angeles, CA
2 staff members
2.5 236 Reviews
Company Profile

Founded in 2000, FIS is a legacy organization of the Los Angeles Annenberg Metropolitan Project (LAAMP). The mission of FIS is to involve parents and communities in their children?s education to achieve lifelong success. Beginning with an emphasis on early education and family literacy as a means to ensure student success throughout the educational pipe-line, FIS focuses on the following four strategic priorities: Early Education and Family Literacy, College Awareness and Preparation, School Partnerships, and Community Engagement and Advocacy. Within its strategic areas of focus, FIS offers a continuum of programs from Pre-K to high school enabling students to succeed by strengthening parent capacity and confidence to serve as their child?s first teacher, as advocates for their children?s learning, and as allies of public schools. FIS emphasizes early collaboration between parents and schools as a vital step to maintaining high levels of parental involvement in later years.

Company size

1 to 50


Company - Private


$1 to $5 million (USD) per year







Staff Members
Worked since Sunday, Feb 23 2025
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