Profile picture of Lucent Health

Lucent Health

Nashville, TN
2 staff members
4 57 Reviews
Company Profile

Lucent Health (@LucentHealth), based in Nashville, TN, empowers US employers with vital healthcare plan performance data and reduces healthcare risks and costs while improving employee access to innovative healthcare services. We offer a wide range of innovative technology-driven products which lead the industry, including Lucent Traditional, Lucent Clarity? value-based payments, e2 MEC/MV? solutions, Lucent Vista? level funded, Lucent Tribia? a tribal enterprise health plan and Lucent Surity? for captives. Mission:?Lucent Health utilizes data in the most efficient and effective manner to maximize the impact of aggressive clinical, population, and network risk management solutions. We deliver the most affordable health plans for all employers.

Company size

201 to 500 Employees


Company - Private


$50 to $100 million (USD)


Health Care Services & Hospitals





Staff Members
Worked since Sunday, Feb 23 2025
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