Lose It! is mobilizing the world to achieve a healthy weight. Used by millions of people around the world, it is the most effective, personal, app-based weight loss program. Lose It! was founded on the proven principles of calorie tracking and community support to encourage healthy, sustainable weight loss. Members create a weight loss goal, track their daily food and exercise, have the option to start or join competitive challenges and access a global community of Lose It! members for 24/7 support. Based on a member?s personal information and health goals Lose It! builds a personalized plan and daily calorie budget for each member. Lose It!?s easy to use tracking tools and comprehensive database of searchable food and exercise set users up for success. It is powered by proven nutritional science, robust behavioral data, and customer-centered software development. Mission:?Our mission is to mobilize the world to achieve a healthy weight.
1 to 50 Employees
TypeCompany - Private
Revenue$10 to $25 million (USD)
IndustryHealth, Beauty, & Fitness