Profile picture of International Cultural Exchange Services (ICES)

International Cultural Exchange Services (ICES)

Henderson, NV
2 staff members
3 227 Reviews
Company Profile

For three decades ICES has promoted a more peaceful world by advancing international awareness and cultural understanding to thousands of exchange students from all over the world. ICES has become a leader in the field of youth exchange due to years of hard work, quality service, and caring hearts of our field staff and host families who have all been with ICES since its inception. ICES offers young people the adventure of a lifetime - the opportunity to discover themselves by discovering others. Through the process of learning new languages and exploring other countries and cultures, ICES students develop a lifelong love of learning and the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in and contribute to a society marked by increased diversity. The Host Families and Local Coordinators who facilitate the exchange experience benefit as well. By gaining a new son or daughter, Host Families participate in the evolving process of promoting peace through mutual respect and understanding. Local Coordinators become community leaders and local ambassadors by promoting international awareness and expanding the perspectives of those around them.

Company size

1 to 50


Company - Private


Less than $1 million (USD) per year


Education Training Services





Staff Members
Worked since Wednesday, Mar 05 2025
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