offers the best collection of coupons online to help locate the best savings opportunities. From big ticket items to electronics, toys and gifts - we help shoppers search for the best deals available on the products and services you want. It's that simple. Founded in 2007, has built a comprehensive Internet destination where users can find deals and offers in one simple, easy to use format. Located in Los Angeles, CA, we have built a team of experienced programmers, product specialists and marketers, who are dedicated to building into the Internet's premiere savings and discount destination. More importantly, we are working everyday to expand our list of deals and coupons. We are working in partnership with many of the Web's premiere publishers and retailers to bring the best deals available online from the most recognizable companies and brands. Mission: To deliver the best deals on everything you want by leveraging community, relationships, and technology. By genuinely adding value to our consumers and helping them make good choices with their money, we will continue to grow and be an integral part of the consumer experience.
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TypeCompany - Private
Revenue$10 to $25 million (USD) per year