Profile picture of Yorktown Education

Yorktown Education

Plano, TX
2 staff members
2.5 247 Reviews
Company Profile

Do What You Love Yorktown Education is a Texas not-for-profit corporation. We provide advanced education for students ages 5 ? 18 years old, providing proven innovative, highly accredited educational programs for over 10 years. Here we teach students and create the foundation for a successful life after graduation, doing what they love and achieving their full potential. As one of the early implementers of student-centered education we?ve long been at the forefront of advanced practices and personalizing education for every student. Instead of traditional grade levels that hold your child back, we believe in the development of the whole child ? personal relationships, academic and physical skills as well as their personal ability to learn. The Yorktown program utilizes cohort levels instead of traditional grade levels to group students. As students develop respect, personal responsibility and the ability to innovate, they advance in cohort level ensuring that they will thrive after they graduate. We develop a strong educational foundation with solid Reading, Writing and Math skills. As the student progresses we incorporate Science, Chinese Mandarin, Art and Drama. As students move up and improve their educational level and cultural awareness, their skills will fragment and they will begin to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses. At Yorktown, we adjust each student?s personal educational program throughout this process. At the higher levels of academics, students become responsible and take control of their schedules, work well with groups and find creative solutions to issues and challenges. They also develop expertise in their areas of interest and accomplish advanced work that leads to college acceptances and scholarships. Yorktown Education is a leading innovator in student-centered education with very high accreditation scores. Yorktown Education is accredited by AdvancED, SACS/CASI and the NCAA. Yorktown school credits are recognized by schools in all 50 states and over 70 foreign countries. Yorktown is also recognized by the United States State Department and admits international student through the I-20 program. Yorktown is a member the National Association of Independent Schools and the ERB (Educational Records Bureau).

Company size

1 to 50


School / School District


Unknown / Non-Applicable


K-12 Education





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Worked since Tuesday, Mar 04 2025
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