Profile picture of A Free Bird

A Free Bird

New York, NY
2 staff members
4 32 Reviews
Company Profile

A Free Bird does not use Glassdoor as a platform to recruit interns and volunteers. The reason being that we have no interest in working with a company that allows reviews to be posted about the organization without checking their validity and refuses to remove them when they violate our code of conduct and their community guidelines. Since we are a 100% volunteer based organization, we have respect for anyone who comes and gives their time and believe that a good deed should never be judged. By writing or approving false information, you are not only disrespecting the organization but also insulting all of the sponsors and individuals that have helped us throughout the years in New York City. We are obligated to take the appropriate action when it comes to those who violate our code of contact. This message has been approved by the HR team at A Free Bird. A Free Bird Reviews

Company size

1 to 50


Nonprofit Organization


Less than $1 million (USD)


Social Services




Staff Members
Worked since Wednesday, Sep 18 2024
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