Profile picture of Callsign


London, England (UK)
2 staff members
4 34 Reviews
Company Profile

Callsign changes the rules of identity. By using all of the thousands of data points available such as typing or swiping techniques, location, online habits, face recognition, devices, and yes even passwords, we can determine someone is who they say they are; we even know the Monday person can behave differently to the Friday person. Most of these data points are friction-free for the user, and so we use these to determine that someone's behaviour is within their normal pattern. Where there is a veering from the norm we then intelligently introduce further tests, avoiding a rules-based approach that can be replicated by the bad guys. We have the lowest false positive rates in the industry and zero breaches thanks to our inbuilt malware detector. As a result, users can get on with their digital lives whilst businesses improve customer engagement, increase productivity and reduce the risk of fraud. Mission: To seamlessly power the identification of every web, mobile and physical interaction. Callsign is a great British technology company. With roots firmly grounded in the Northwest of England, home of the industrial revolution, Callsign is driving the identity revolution. We have seen technology making people’s lives easier but believe it is equally important that it makes people’s lives better, and so we are committed to being the best people we can be at work, at home, and within our community.

Company size

51 to 200


Company - Private


Unknown / Non-Applicable


Computer Hardware & Software





Staff Members
Worked since Tuesday, Feb 25 2025
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