Profile picture of College Chefs

College Chefs

Champaign, IL
2 staff members
4 24 Reviews
Company Profile

We’ve all heard it before. Crappy college food. Burned out Chefs. With no end to either problem in sight, something needed to change. College Chefs Owner, Chef Kevin Gadus, was on a mission to revolutionize the Chef industry. A company built for Chefs, by Chefs. We get it. Chef Kevin Gadus crafted a system that provided him the ability to harness his passion and creativity for cooking, while still getting to spend nights, weekends, and holidays with his two daughters. A dream come true. Today, College Chefs continues to revolutionize the industry, employing classically trained Chefs in fraternities, sororities and student housing facilities across the United States. We believe in cooking your heart out during the day and live a balanced lifestyle on nights and weekends. We’re sick and tired of seeing college students have no choice other than to eat processed food. We know food. We love food. And were ready to serve ridiculously good food at your University. Mission: To provide badass Chefs a creative, lifestyle-friendly platform, while serving authentic food to fraternities, sororities, and student housing facilities, and promoting an altruistic lifestyle along the way.

Company size

201 to 500


Company - Private


Unknown / Non-Applicable


Catering & Food Service Contractors


 Campus Cooks, College Fresh, Sodexo



Staff Members
Worked since Monday, Feb 24 2025
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