Based in Raleigh, N.C., Sunstates Security provides uniformed security personnel and security consulting services to clients throughout the United States. The company is certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise by the Greater Business Women’s Council, a regional certifying partner of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). LICENSES: CA - PPO120751, VA-11-2948, Texas B11167; A10515101; F01339 Mission: MISSION STATEMENT To provide superior security services by always putting the client first; maintaining clear, continuous communication; and remaining true to our guiding principles: •Honesty towards our clients, employees, vendors and partners •Integrity to honor our commitments and always do what we say •Trust, ensuring that our clients and employees can count on us
1001 to 5000
TypeCompany - Private
Revenue$100 to $500 million (USD)
IndustrySecurity Services