Rallio is more than a social media management technology. It's a smarter, simpler way for brands to maximize social marketing efforts. Rallio technology provides a complete social media ecosystem allowing manufacturers, corporate brands and their locations, employees and customers to build a local community, share experiences and drive local business. The Rallio Local division provides agency-style support services and utilizes additional technology to efficiently help locations grow their local online presence, manage their reputation, recruit talent, and drive engagement and local business. The Rallio team is about having fun, making a difference and producing exceptionally creative results. The team is personable, highly intelligent, collaborative and results-focused. Ideas are welcomed, successes are celebrated, and personal and professional development is fostered. Mission: To "Rally" together an online community for businesses in order to improve trust, engagement and local sales.
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RevenueLess than $1 million (USD)
CompetitorsTangoe, Calero, MDSL