Profile picture of Ibericus


New York, NY
2 staff members
2.5 280 Reviews
Company Profile

NEW YORK CITY-BASED MARKETING FIRM, SPECIALIZED IN BRINGING INCREASED REVENUE FOR FORTUNE 500 CLIENTS, THROUGH A SUCCESSFUL AND PROVEN DIRECT B2B SALES METHODOLOGY. Ibericus Inc. represents a portfolio of some of the most respected brands in the following industries: technology, entertainment, solar energy, and retail. By focusing our efforts on a face to face, relationship-based marketing and sales approach in the New York city area, we are able to bring our clients increased high levels of customer loyalty and name-brand recognition, as well as high levels of revenue for their B2B division. At Ibericus, we believe that quality business depends upon employing a team of different backgrounds, resources, and skills. Our philosophy of 100% merit-based and organic promotions guarantee team members the growth potential to accomplish all personal and professional goals. It also assures that our clients are represented by the finest talent this side of the East Coast. We're hiring! Mission: We rebrand your future. Ibericus employs the world?s best marketers to elevate your brand to the next level

Company size

1 to 50


Company - Private


Unknown / Non-Applicable


Advertising & Marketing





Staff Members
Worked since Wednesday, Mar 05 2025
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