Profile picture of Sarcos


Salt Lake City, UT
2 staff members
4 32 Reviews
Company Profile

Sarcos is a global technology leader in the development and production of energetically autonomous, highly mobile and dexterous robots. We are redefining the work force of the future in a broad range of industries including automotive, aviation, industrial manufacturing, oil and gas, power generation, construction, logistics, mining, defense, public safety and health care. For more than 25 years, Sarcos has created dexterous robotic systems designed to master the world?s most dangerous and unpredictable environments. Mission:?Mission: Save lives and prevent injury while helping humans go farther and accomplish more than ever before. Core Company Values: At Sarcos, we believe it is paramount that every member of our team is aware of and aligned with our core company values prior to making the decision to join the company, and that we are each personally committed to building a company, culture and work environment that is second to none. Our core values, in order of priority, are: ? Working as a team ? Delighting our customers ? Rewarding our investors ? Challenging ourselves ? Attacking with passion ? Relishing that we are the underdog Each of these values may mean something slightly different to each member of our team. That?s OK. Everything we do with or for the company should be consistent with a reasonable interpretation of these values. If it isn?t, it shouldn?t happen. Our Pledge to Each Other: Our most important value is to work as a team. How we treat each other is critical to our success. As a result, you are making the following pledge to the Company and your colleagues. I will do my best to: ? Treat everyone on our team, regardless of seniority or role, the way they want to be treated ? Trust my colleagues and believe that they have the best of intentions ? Proactively communicate in a candid manner, with sufficient information to allow my colleagues to achieve their objectives ? Be open minded and receptive to review, constructive feedback, and collaboration ? Act with integrity by doing what is right for the company, my customers, my colleagues and myself ? Demonstrate a positive can-do attitude coupled with the drive and determination to win, while holding myself accountable for both my success and the success of the company ? Never criticize, disparage or malign colleagues behind their backs or in front of others ? Not tolerate anyone in the company doing anything inconsistent with any of the above When I fail to act consistently with my pledge, I will expect my colleagues to respectfully and privately address it with me.

Company size

51 to 200 Employees


Company - Private


Unknown / Non-Applicable


Research & Development





Company site

Staff Members
Worked since Thursday, Mar 06 2025
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