Profile picture of Optimal Solutions Group

Optimal Solutions Group

College Park, MD
2 staff members
4 26 Reviews
Company Profile

Optimal Solutions Group, LLC (Optimal) is an innovative and rigorous small public policy research firm located at the University of Maryland's M Square Research Park. Optimal is proven and experienced with over 100 projects completed domestically and internationally. Using its Real-Time Framework, Optimal has become a public policy leader in data collection, analysis and visualization. Optimal employs over 60 staff members, the majority with advanced degrees. Optimal's research centers are focused on health, education, workforce development, social policy and economic development. Optimal also has an international practice and conducted projects in 25+ countries. In addition, Optimal has an advanced analytics and software practice which is housed in Optimal's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center. Optimal not only conducts work on behalf of the betterment of society, but Optimal has a commitment to community and to charitable causes. Mission:?Optimal distinguishes itself in a highly dynamic environment by its quantitative expertise, innovations, and its use of best practices. Optimal's missionOptimal distinguishes itself in a highly dynamic environment by its quantitative expertise, innovations, and its use of best practices. Optimal's mission is to be recognized subject matter experts who exceed client standards by working on timely, meaningful, interesting, and substantive projects using rigorous, innovative, and nonpartisan approaches. Key to our progress is integrity, honest communication, a healthy work/life balance, and encouraging personal growth and development.

Company size

1 to 50 Employees


Company - Private


$5 to $10 million (USD)


Research & Development





Staff Members
Worked since Sunday, Feb 23 2025
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