Profile picture of LCS Record Retrieval

LCS Record Retrieval

Grand Rapids, MI
2 staff members
4 35 Reviews
Company Profile

At LCS, our excellence in customer service has positioned us as a leading record retrieval company. We seek to reflect our core values and company culture by treating employees and customers with respect, appreciation, and kindness. Our goal is to anticipate our customers? needs and offer same-day solutions. We love what we do?and we invite you to be a part of it. Our team values work-life balance and believes in the importance of working hard every day to exceed our customer?s expectations. We also believe in playing hard to enjoy all of life?s adventures. Are you looking to join a collaborative team and company with immense growth opportunity? LCS may be suited for you. Mission:?We believe strongly in our core values: GREATNESS - an ever?advancing drive for excellence in everything we do! SERVICE - putting others first, using our gifts and abilities for good. JOY - a purposeful choice to seek the best in every person and situation. GRACE - approaching each other and situations with an understanding of the unique challenges we all face. HUMILITY - being authentic and self?aware of our strengths and weaknesses.

Company size

51 to 200 Employees


Company - Private


Unknown / Non-Applicable


Business Service Centers & Copy Shops





Staff Members
Worked since Wednesday, Mar 05 2025
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