Profile picture of U.S. Water

U.S. Water

Saint Michael, MN
2 staff members
2.5 317 Reviews
Company Profile

We are the Future of Water. At U.S. Water, we have a passion for developing and delivering unconventional solutions that leave the world a better places with better water. Working as an extension of our customer's team, U.S. Water leverages our expertise to deliver immediate and long term return on investment. We provide more options for environmentally-friendly, safe, and cost-effective water management. As experts in water, we use our in depth industry knowledge & experience to enhance your system reliability, efficiency & profitability. Mission: Founded with a clear mission: to be universally recognized as the most innovative & flexible provider by focusing on safe, economical & environmentally sound solutions. We believe the breadth of our offerings combined with our industry knowledge & experience provides each client with a solution agnostic approach designed for each unique water, energy & compliance needs while delivering continuous improvement with both an immediate and long-term ROI, making us The Best Place to Work in Water!

Company size

201 to 500


Company - Public


$100 to $500 million (USD) per year


Architectural & Engineering Services


Ecolab, ChemTreat, GE



Staff Members
Worked since Saturday, Feb 22 2025
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